Proven to help flush out fat and toxins that accumulate in the Kidney.
You WILL FEEL this natural formula work within 24-48 hours and can expect to dissolve and eliminate kidney stones, toxins, trim down your stomach and waist size, look and feel better OR we will give you a 100% money back guarantee!

When the Kidneys are not functioning properly, it can lead to various symptoms that affect different parts of the body. Some common signs of kidney problems include:

1. Swelling (Edema): Fluid retention can cause swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face, or hands.

2. Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or weak due to a buildup of waste in the body.

3. Changes in Urination: This can include more frequent urination, especially at night, or less frequent urination. Urine may appear foamy or contain blood.

4. Shortness of Breath: Due to fluid buildup in the lungs or anemia from kidney dysfunction.

5. Nausea and Vomiting: Toxins building up in the body can lead to gastrointestinal distress.

6. Back Pain: Often in the lower back, where the kidneys are located, though this is more common with kidney infections or stones.

7. Skin Rash or Itching: Waste buildup can cause skin irritation or rashes.

8. High Blood Pressure: Poor kidney function can lead to elevated blood pressure.

9. Metallic Taste in Mouth: A build-up of waste in the body can alter your taste.

10. Poor Appetite: A loss of appetite can occur due to toxin accumulation.

My dear friend, The kidney is the center of our overall health and wellness, and it has a close connection with the well being of almost every organ in the body.
A healthy kidney is paramount for a completely functional body, but the modern sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary practices can seriously harm the liver and harm our general health. One-third of the world's population is affected by a silent health problem called kidney disease (AFLD or NAFLD).
Many people are unaware that they are at danger because its symptoms frequently don't appear until the kidney is severely damaged. Also, aside kidney issues, do you know that if one has fatty liver disease, one is more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (such as heart attack and stroke), and potentially several devastating conditions such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer?

The Kidney Flusher is a multifunctional herbal detox which works effectively without any side effect. It is compounded with herbal ingredients and there’s no chemical preservations in it compared to other common medicines. It is multifunctional because it treats multiple illness and abnormalities in human body. Kidney Flusher gives the body system a whole body detox, this means when this medicine circulates in your body system it helps neutralize all the poisons, toxins and other harmful substances in your vital organs, starting from your Kidney and lungs to the blood stream and the digestive system, it cures all abnormalities in your kidney and neutralizes the toxins in the bladder and the liver within 30 to 60 days. Are you wondering why it is possible for one medication to do all these aforementioned works, the vital organs in human body works jointly, toxins and poison get in the body system through the lungs then find its way to the most vulnerable parts of the body, settle down and multiply over time, there by causing abnormalities.


It give you a whole body detox by removing all kinds of natural and artificial toxins from your vital organs; Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Blood Stream and Bladder.

According to world health organization (WHO) natural toxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by living organisms. These toxins are not harmful to the organisms themselves but they may be toxic to other creatures, including humans, when eaten. These chemical compounds have diverse structures and differ in biological function and toxicity.
Some toxins are produced by plants as a natural defense mechanism against predators, insects or microorganisms, or as consequence of infestation with microorganisms, such as mold, in response to climate stress (such as drought or extreme humidity).
Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the kidney, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin during a body detox.


Many products of bodily metabolism are waste products that the body either does not need or cannot use. The body may even be damaged by some of metabolism’s products. Thus, mechanisms exist to rid the body of these damaging chemicals. In addition, many chemicals in our environment are damaging to the body and such products need to be eliminated or destroyed.

Lungs – remove toxic gases and volatile chemicals that can be breathed out of the body. An example is the chemical, acetaldehyde, which is created when the kidney destroys alcohol. Acetaldehyde is what you smell on the breath of a person who has drunk a lot of alcohol. This gas would be lethal if it were not removed from the blood by way of the lungs. Gas anesthetics are eliminated from the body mostly by way of the lungs.

Skin – some toxins can dissolve in sweat and be removed from the body that way. It is a common belief that stimulating sweat with intense exercise or heat will help clean the body of toxins. But there is not much medical evidence that this is practical. And, excess sweating can cause loss of water, which may be more hazardous than the toxins. Gastro-intestinal System – toxins that are taken in by eating or drinking can be eliminated in the feces. This is particularly true in the case of “food poisoning,” where the body defends itself by vomiting and diarrhea in order to remove the toxins quickly. There are two very vital organ systems that have a direct role in detoxication. In fact, detoxication is the main reason we have these systems.

LIVER: Because the liver is so vital for life, it is important to know if the liver is working normally. This is especially true in older age, when the liver is most likely to be damaged. There are several laboratory tests that doctors can have performed to check if liver function is normal.

KIDNEY: We learned earlier that kidneys detoxify by secreting toxins or filtering toxins out of the blood into urine. But how do we know this? The best way to learn what kidneys do is to examine the product of their function- urine. Examining the urine is also a good way to know if anything is wrong with kidney function. Medical technicians in hospitals and clinics routinely examine urine (“urinalysis”) looking for any abnormalities. Any abnormalities could signal kidney disease. Examples of diseases that can be detected by urinalysis include diabetes, kidney stones, and chronic infections of the urinary tract. Kidneys stones, after they have been concentrated and removed from urine. Such stones in the urine can block urine formation and cause severe pain.

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For the Liver, This is What Happens When Fat and Toxins Begins to Invade Your Liver

The kidney is a major internal organ, and it’s responsible for an astonishing variety of life-sustaining and health-promoting tasks — including those that make healthy weight loss and weight management possible. Integral to countless metabolic processes, the liver supports the digestive system, controls blood sugar and regulates fat storage.

It stores and mobilizes energy, and produces more protein than any other organ in the body.

One of the liver’s most important functions, though — and the one most crucial to weight loss — is chemically breaking down everything that enters the body, from the healthiest bite of organic food to the poisonous pesticides that may linger on your salad; from the purest filtered water to a glass of wine; from your daily vitamin supplement to your blood pressure and diabetes medication.

It’s the liver’s job to distinguish between the nutrients the body need to absorb and the dangerous or unnecessary substances that must be filtered out of the bloodstream. But when the liver is clogged and overwhelmed with toxins and fat, it can’t do a very effective job of processing nutrients and fats.

The upshot: The more toxic your body becomes, the more difficulty you’ll have losing weight and keeping it off.

For the Liver, As fat begins to overtake your liver this vital organ is no longer able to perform its job of detoxifying your blood and regulating your body metabolism.

Toxic waste that should be broken down by the liver floods your body. It can enter the brain and cause a disease called “Hepatic Encephalopathy” which can affect your mood and ability to concentrate.

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Health Risks of Unattended Kidney Issues

One other primary function of the Kidney and Liver is turning food into energy.

When fat deposits start to build up in the liver it struggles to perform like it should and the food you eat starts getting stored as fat instead of turned into energy.

Also if the food you’re eating isn’t properly metabolized by your Kidney it doesn’t matter how “clean” or healthy you eat – you’ll always feel burned out, accumulate toxins and excess weight.

If you’re eating a fortune on grass-fed meat and organic fruits and veggies and not feeling a difference, it could be a sign you need to give your kidney some care.

For the Liver, To fully know why your liver is not metabolising or breaking down fats…

We need to understand some of the functions of the liver…
And one of them is producing bile – a substance that helps you digest food and flush out waste
Now, alcohol is something that dries up the bile juice
Too much alcohol intake will lead to fatty liver and this condition is known as Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD)
Now does that mean only people who have a high intake of alcohol have fatty liver?
ANS: Not on this planet

Every other liver disease not caused by too much of alcohol is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NALD) The major cause of this is too much of fats stored in your liver cells resulting from diet, late night eating and overall lifestyle Now, when these fats get too much…

They act as toxins to your liver cells and attack the functions of the liver
This is why you see people who don’t drink or smoke but yet still have fatty liver disease
We will get to how you can restore your liver health in a moment but if you have or know anyone with a belly like this…. Pot Belly

Just understand there is a presence of fatty liver and you need to get them help
Potbelly is a sign of a sick liver

It is not enjoyment or evidence of good living… It is a sickness
If you have this kind of stomach, there is a 99% chance you have fatty liver
It’s called abdominal obesity

Do not attach it to living good.

Detoxifying Your Liver Can Shut Down Sugar Cravings

Do you have sugar cravings that gnaw away at you until you’re forced to give in to sweet temptation? Even tiny sugar cravings can sabotage your diet and weight loss. Ravenous sugar cravings can literally be a death sentence.

You Need This...

Kidney problems can be excruciatingly painful. And so should not be managed at all. Though the solution is very available yet not common. Taking care of kidney disease early will help avoid complications later.

Kidney Disease is a common ailment that affects roughly 10% of the world’s population. The kidneys are those little bean-shaped organs that conduct a variety of critical tasks in the body. Filtering waste items, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, balancing fluids in the body, generating urine, and many other vital functions are all performed by them.

Damage to these important organs can occur in a variety of ways. The most frequent risk factors for renal disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity, smoking, genetics, gender, and age, on the other hand, can all increase the risk. Blood arteries in the kidneys are damaged by uncontrolled blood sugar and excessive blood pressure, limiting their ability to operate optimally.

Waste, including waste products from food, builds up in the blood when the kidneys aren’t performing properly. The kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood so that they can be excreted as urine. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys cease working and are unable to perform their functions.


Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) where one or both kidneys becomes infected…It generally begins in your urethra or bladder and travels to one or both of your kidneys. They can be infected by bacteria or a virus. It can cause people to be very sick and may lead to other complications if you don’t take care of it now! Please read on…

Kidney Stone

The problem of kidney stone is more common than we think. And the sad part is out of 100, 50% of people aren’t even aware of it which makes it a bigger problem. Kidney stones can lead to more severe kidney problems in future if it does not get right treatment at the right time.

One of the causes of Kidney Stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside our kidneys. Diet, excess body weight, some medical conditions, certain supplements and medications are among the many causes of kidney stones.

The hard deposits in the kidneys that travel through the urinary tract to exit the body are called kidney stones. The process can be really painful and is the passing of kidney stones. They occur when salts and minerals like calcium oxalate crystalize in the kidneys and form hard stones and are also called as calculi or urolithiasis.

What Causes Kidney

Although the urinary tract system is designed to keep bacteria out, problems can occur. Escherichia coli (E. coli) or other bacteria found in the intestines can enter the urinary tract through the urethra.

These bacteria can travel up into the bladder. When this happens it can cause cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). It can also cause a urinary tract infection (UTI).

If the infection continues up to the kidneys, it can cause kidney infection. This problem can be severe.
You are more likely to get a kidney infection if you have frequent bladder infections or have a structural problem in the urinary tract. Urine normally flows only in one direction—from the kidneys to the bladder. If the flow of urine is blocked or flows in the wrong direction, infections can happen. Urine flow can be blocked by many things, including:

Kidney stones,
Tumors inside or outside the urinary tract and
Structural problems of the urinary tract.

People with diabetes, hypertension or a weak immune system are at high risk for kidney infections. Untreated infection can damage the kidneys permanently and lead to long term problems. In some cases, kidney infections can lead to kidney disease, high blood pressure, or kidney failure. If kidney infection spreads to the bloodstream it can cause a serious problem called sepsis- A life threatening infection.

If you regularly consume alcohol, smoke, on medication or eat a less than perfect diet you have likely done damage to your kidney/liver. Look over this list to see if you have any of these symptoms

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Frequently Asked Questions

We highly recommend you have the kidney Flusher Capsule as a companion as you observe the results.

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